We as parents care about our children’s academic lives because we understand how crucial it is to their future. Unfortunately, it sometimes seems that our children don’t understand our concern for their future. They still give their schoolwork a lower priority than playing video games, watching YouTube, and hanging out with their buddies, so we know this. Here are different ways to motivate your kids to do better in school.
Ways to motivate your kids to do better in school:
#1 Stay Positive:
Keep an honest, respectful, and upbeat relationship with your child. Keep in mind that you and your child are teammates. Your ability to influence others, which is your most valuable parenting skill, will be enhanced by this.
Punishment, instruction, and threats won’t help and will be bad for your connection and their motivation. Your feelings of fear, irritation, and anxiety are acceptable and normal. However, responding to your children out of these feelings is useless and only makes matters worse.
Keep in mind that your child is not acting in such a way to make your life unpleasant. Saying yourself, “My child is just not there yet,” when you notice yourself becoming agitated could help.
And remind yourself that it is your responsibility to assist him in developing responsibility. Your child may become stubborn and react to you rather than considering the situation for himself if you become critical and turn this into a moral dilemma.
#2 Make a schedule:
Whether he wants you there or not, you have the right to get involved if your child is not studying and his grades are declining. Once more, you are not there to complete the task for him. Instead, you are there to assist in setting up the framework that he cannot do on his own.
The structure may include setting aside studying hours, leaving the computer on display in a common area of your home, and enforcing the rule “No electronics or video games until after your schoolwork is done.”
You can decide that he needs to spend specific hours studying. Electronic devices and other encumbrances are not permitted during this period.
#3 Be in touch with the teachers:
If your child’s work habits and grades are lacking, you can sit down with him and his teachers to create a strategy.
Before leaving for home each day, have your child confirm that he has completed all his homework assignments by checking with his teacher.
You might also ask him to remember to bring his homework to school each morning.
You should back off after your child improves at organizing, managing his time, and finishing his job. Allow him to handle it alone. Only intervene if the issue is ongoing for him.
#4 Divide the assignments into parts:
Together, decide if you need to assist your child with segmenting his assignments into manageable parts and planning kids’ daily tasks on a calendar.
Get him a whiteboard or a sizable wall calendar. It could be electronic if preferred but use written tools since electronics can be distracting.
#5 Be aware of his anxiety level:
Recognize that your child’s lack of motivation or what appears to be carelessness may partly be caused by his fear or shame about his academics and schoolwork. Because it’s not always on a conscious level for kids, it’s possible that they won’t be able to convey all of this to you.
Anxiety might be mistaken for having a bad attitude, lacking motivation, or being irresponsible. These weak emotions are frequently hidden by acting out, shutting down, avoiding situations, or showing disobedience.
While a small amount of anxiety can be motivating, excessive anxiety prevents your child from thinking clearly and accessing the area of his brain that aids motivation.
Recognize that your child’s worry might be at play rather than his laziness to control your emotions. He will have a better structure for completing his work and will experience less worry if this is done calmly.
Also, remember that as your child grows, what is happening today can appear very different.
Start with your child’s current situation for each piece of advice. You shouldn’t try to work on too many problems at once because, in many circumstances, your child may have a long way to go.
Though he won’t first enjoy the structure, your toddler will become accustomed to it. Be tolerant. Don’t expect overnight success, but also don’t undervalue your kid. Be sure that the mechanisms you’ve put in place will help him change his mind and improve. Try the tips mentioned in the article to motivate your child to do better in school.