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Make your home babyproof with these tips

Make your home babyproof

Making your home babyproof is essential to offer safety to your little ones. Today, there are countless items available that make your home babyproof. Now when your child is ready to move and explore the house, it’s time to make it safe. Continue reading to know how to make your home babyproof for kids.

It is beneficial for parents to view the surroundings through the eyes of their newborns. Parents should crawl on the floor in the area where their baby will be and remove any objects that could be detrimental to the infant.

More home things might become unsafe as your child grows and learns to climb. Keep this in mind and perform a baby-proofing refresh as your child grows.

Make your home babyproof:

#1 Kitchen

Turn the pot and panhandle towards the back of the stove while cooking so they don’t get knocked off and the baby can’t reach for them and pull them down. Cleaning goods, such as knives, scissors, dishwater soap, and so on, should be stored in drawers with locks or latches or on high shelves.

Instead of tablecloths, use placemats. Tablecloths are easily ripped and can cause glasses and sharp silverware to tumble to the floor. Use a safety latch to secure the refrigerator and/or freezer door.


make your home babyproof

Consider removing the knobs and placing them out of the baby’s reach if your stove allows it, especially if the baby can turn the knobs and accidentally turn on the burners.

#2 Bathroom

Install a toilet safety latch to prevent items from being thrown into your cool, new “pool.” Keep hair dryers and curling irons away from the counter’s edge. Cords dangling are enticing to pull!

#3 The Living Room

If feasible, hang larger pieces of furniture on the wall. As your child struggles to stand, they will reach for whatever is closest to them. Make certain that whatever they’re pulling up on is as strong as possible.

When guests arrive, store purses and bags in high places where the baby cannot reach them.

#4 Laundry room

Keep laundry detergent and other hazardous products on high shelves and out of reach of children.

Additional tips:

  • Make sure to cover electrical outlets.
  • Lock the rooms like store rooms that you do not want your baby to explore.
  • Look out the windows. Tie-down blind cords to keep them out of reach.
  • Because the baby is still unsteadily walking, make sure all carpets have non-skid material on the bottom.
  • Table corners and other sharp edges should be cushioned.
  • Be cautious of pet water bowls — these, believe it or not, can cause drowning.




Remember that when you visit family and friends’ homes, they may not be baby-proofed. Babies are naturally inquisitive, so keep an eye on them to ensure they don’t get into anything dangerous. Outlets, cords, and potentially dangerous things that are safely covered or stored at your home may not be stored at a friend’s home.


While baby-proofing might provide some peace of mind and help protect your child, nothing beats keeping a tight check on your child as they begin walking and exploring their surroundings in a whole new way. Furthermore, some toddlers can reach higher than you think! You’ll feel more comfortable letting your baby explore their surroundings while keeping an eye on them if you’ve planned ahead of time and made the atmosphere as safe as possible. When it comes to raising a baby, parents need to consider various factors. Making your home safe for your baby is also important. Follow the tips mentioned in the article and make your place safe for little ones.

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