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4 Tips to Deal with Toddlers’ Tantrums

deal with kids' tantrums

Raising kids is not easy, and parents need to consider various things when it comes to toddlers. We can all agree that children experience emotions; it’s a universal truth. They can still astonish anyone with their emotional intensity and volume, though. In this blog, we have mentioned a few tips to deal with toddlers’ tantrums.

Your two-year-old is still learning as they go and cannot rely on experience as adults can. Consider that after giving your toddler two pieces of a broken cracker, they start to cry. Crackers should taste the same, whether whole or broken, but they rarely do.

The main reason for a tantrum is basically that your toddler wants independence but isn’t yet ready for it. Big emotions, erratic mood swings, and a great deal of frustration can result from the ongoing tug-of-war between wanting to accomplish things on their own but not having the means for it, paired with a brain that is still developing.

How to deal with toddlers’ tantrums?

#1 Don’t try to fix it:

Their limited language skills might be very frustrating for them on intense emotional occasions when they’re trying to use that voice to explain what they want and feel.

While temper tantrums can’t always be “fixed,” you can support your child as they work through their emotions by providing them with the words for those emotions. Be present, empathize, and describe what you see: “It seems like you’re genuinely upset about that. I can hug you if you need one since I understand why you’re upset. Even though it might not seem like it at the time, this lets them know that you are aware of their feelings and are listening to them.

#2 Stay calm

Your toddler may become so agitated during a tantrum that they lose focus on what they want or why they’re upset. Because they might not be able to hear much of what you’re saying, it is advisable to use short, straightforward sentences. Extra words are unnecessary when your child can’t think clearly. The best thing you can do is to set an example of what tranquility looks and sounds like, which invites them to become calmer soon.

deal with toddlers' tantrums

You may stay in the moment by placing your hand on their shoulder, hugging them, and simply reassuring your child that you understand their distress. Try to approach them at eye level whenever you can, or even sit down next to them on the ground. This demonstrates that you value their opinions and are trying to understand them from their point of view. A modest gesture of respect can mean a lot at a sensitive time.

#3 Ignore the behavior

It’s typical advice for resolving tantrums to “ignore the behavior,” but it’s crucial to distinguish between behaviors and the child displaying them. Ignoring behavior entails remaining physically and emotionally present while ignoring your child’s writhing, whining, puffing, or other actions.

However, if the conduct becomes risky and can no longer be ignored, you can adopt a tactic known as “connection, then correction.” This means you should give your child a brief moment of connection before correcting their behavior. You may do this by placing a hand over theirs and saying, “I can see that you’re unhappy, and hitting is not okay.”

deal with toddlers' tantrums

Tantrums at home are one thing; difficult tantrums occur in public. They can be really embarrassing, to start with. It’s difficult to avoid feeling judged even though you know (ideally) that tantrums don’t reflect on your parenting, especially if you have to ditch a partially loaded supermarket cart or shorten a trip to the park. You might have to swoop your kid away to keep everyone safe if they start striking or harming you or someone else. Say, “I’m going to pick you up now and take you back to the car,” and then gently pick up your youngster.

#4 Don’t react rather respond

Even very young kids pick up on how to get their parents to react quickly. Although it is reasonable, a strong response from you can occasionally amplify the emotions your child is experiencing. Try to respond instead of reacting. A simple reaction during a tantrum might be to remain silent, take a noticeable deep breath, and then wait.

The relationship between you and your child will slow down, which can help calm you down. In the end, taking a deep breath can assist you and your child in breaking out common tantrum patterns, such as back-and-forth rationalizations and heightened dialogues, which typically prolong tantrums rather than ending them.


Toddlers throw tantrums because they are experiencing strong emotions. There could be any reason for your kid’s tantrums. No matter what the reason is, you must deal with the different tantrums smartly. Tips mentioned in this blog could be quite helpful when it comes to dealing with kids’ tantrums. Try them now!

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